1. The Topic of My Thesis: The Ideal
What type of person does a society prefer?
There are figures in societies which people prefer. And the characteristics of the person are slightly different from culture to culture. Even though people don't care about how people talk about them these days, there should be still standard for good men and women. For instance, a person with positive, confident attitude would be generally preferred. Then what about, say, quiet respectful people? They might be preferred in certain culture. I want to know how the characteristics are different in each cultures.
It will include physical and psychological attributes.
I would go more specific like body type, face, personalities, etc.
From this idea, I have been researching and it seems like the ideal figures become identified internationally. I would say the power of media. Therefore, I developed my ideas more from my current statement but I would see how the research comes out first. and keep refining my ideas
one of proposals for thesis is ..to focus on the beauty out of the ideal; are we all wearing corsets? pursue the image which media shows us, try to get in great shape, whiten teeth, tanning, plastic surgery, and every effort for beautification.
The history of the beauty in culture, and figure out who is creating the ideal image behind the media.
2&3 Intention and Purpose
(As a student from non english-speaking country, I am confused...Isn't intention same thing to purpose? I will try to put my word on my best...)
to understand different perspectives of culture and learn what forms different perspectives.
4. Proposed Process
->research journals and books on similar topics like ideal personal traits in culture, maybe.. geography of personality traits as well.
->also look through internet.
->possibly do a couple of surveys, or interviews since we live in NY I can meet people from everywhere.
->analyze information
->create infography